Covid-19 Response

We have made sure the following additional measures are in place:

  • At time of booking an in-person appointment, patients will be asked the appropriate COVID-19 screening questions developed by British Columbia Health Services.

  • If you experience cold or flu symptoms in advance of your booked appointment, please contact the clinic to cancel. We will ask for you to please call back in two weeks to reassess.

  • For the health of all patients and care providers, anyone entering the clinic will be pre-screened at the entrance. Screening includes a symptoms check and exposure questions, before admittance into the clinic

  • Masks are mandatory within the clinic for patients and care providers. 

  • We have aligned with the safety measure of Interior Health. This includes but is not limited to: social distancing measures throughout the clinic, increased sanitation, and appropriate limit of individuals onsite at one time.

  • If you identify as immuno-compromised, or over 65+, please let us know prior to your appointment to ensure proper safety measures are taken.  

As the situation is being assessed daily, with regular updates to protocols, we recommend patients refer to this site for full information: 

We are confident that we will rise above COVID-19 and our community will grow stronger as we navigate this unprecedented journey together. 

Plan for Return to Clinical Practice in Response to COVID-19

This plan was developed with the goal of reducing the risk of exposure to the virus that causes Covid-19 for both patients and the therapist within our clinical setting. Here, we identify the actions that the therapists at 7D Massage Therapy commit to, and that all visiting patients must commit to, in order to receive massage therapy services.

The overall aim of these protocols is to reduce potential coronavirus transmission through: 

  • Required ongoing self-assessment for signs of COVID-19 related illness for both the patient and the therapist

  • Reducing all physical, non-treatment related interactions amongst everyone within the practice environment

  • Proper hand hygiene

  • Avoiding face touching

  • Enhanced cleaning protocols

  • Appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE)

  • Meeting professional obligations, particularly related to informed consent and liability insurance

Prior to Entering the Clinic:

  • Patients must confirm that they have not been in contact with anyone displaying illness or signs and symptoms of COVID-19 within 14 days prior to their treatment.

  • The therapist and patient must agree that the therapeutic benefit of massage therapy outweighs any potential consequence of treatment, including the possibility of viral transmission.

  • Patients who develop mild illness or symptoms must cancel booked appointments, even if it is without notice.

  • Patients will not be charged a cancellation fee if they cancel due to illness.

Informed Consent

In regards to the current risk of COVID-19, informed consent requires that the patient be informed and understand that:

  • Any massage therapy treatment involves some risk of COVID-19 transmission.

  • The therapist is following protocols to reduce or mitigate risk where possible, but that risk cannot be reduced to zero.

  • The patient consents to the treatment despite some risk.

  • The therapist will document the patient’s consent in advance and before each treatment

Self-Assessment for Symptoms of COVID-19: For Patients & Therapists

Pre-Screening / Prior to Arrival:

  • Patients will be forewarned of risks regarding massage therapy treatments and what is expected of them before booking. Only when a patient feels 100% comfortable with the risks inherent from receiving treatment should they book a massage therapy appointment.

  • Patients will be informed about the risks of massage therapy and their responsibilities during COVID-19 at the time of booking. “Return to Practice Protocols” are available for viewing on the website and online booking site and are attached to the booking confirmation email.

  • 24hrs prior to the booked appointment, the patient will be required to complete the 7D Massage Therapy COVID-19 Screening Survey provided through the Jane App booking software, which will be emailed to patients with their appointment reminders.

  • On the day of the appointment, the therapist will use the BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment tool themself and commits to canceling all appointments if symptoms appear.

  • At the time of the appointment, the patient will be asked the BC COVID-19 screening questions if the screen is complete with no positive answers the treatment will commence or the treatment will be canceled at no cost to the Patient.

  • The patient will be required to sign a consent form for massage therapy treatment with respect to COVID-19 prior to the appointment and will provide verbal consent for treatments thereafter.

  • As a part of the consent form, patients must commit to understanding that while all possible measures to minimize the risk of viral transmission have been taken, the nature of massage therapy means that physical distancing is not possible in the treatment room.

  • As well, patients must consent to “Release of Information” in the case of alleged transmission of COVID-19 within the clinic.

 Clinic Changes for Covid-19:

  • The massage table will be covered with a table heater which will be covered by a vinyl table cover and cleaned after each patient.

  • Pillows used during the treatment will have a vinyl pillow case cover that will be cleaned after each patient.

  • The therapist will be wearing a mask during all interactions and will use a fresh mask for each patient.

  • Enhanced cleaning protocols will be provided by the therapist to prevent the spread of COVID-19

  • Payment will be taken shortly before treatment. Preferred methods are Credit Card via Jane App Payments or use of the Square Terminal.

  • Cash is not preferred but may be handled provided proper handwashing techniques are used immediately following the exchange. There will be a small bin provided to place cash to avoid cross-contamination. Exact change is requested.

  • All receipts will be emailed.

Physical Distancing

Entryway/Stairwell/Common Space:

  • Only 1 patient is permitted in the studio at any given time unless you are accompanying a minor. Patients must arrive unaccompanied.

  • The therapist is the only other person who will be in the studio throughout the duration of the patient’s appointment.

  • The therapist and the patient will maintain a space of 2 meters (6 feet) distance between each other in all clinic areas that are outside the treatment room.

  • Appointment times are intentionally scheduled to reduce interactions between patients and to allow time in-between sessions for enhanced cleaning.

  • Patients are asked to arrive 10 minutes prior to the treatment time, no earlier or later.

  • The clinic door will be opened for the patient by the therapist and will be closed behind them by the therapist.

  • The clinic door will be re-opened by the therapist at the end of the appointment for the patient to leave without touching the doorknob.

  • Patients are asked to leave promptly after their session ends to allow ample time for the therapist to clean and air out the space for the following patient. This will help reduce the time between treatments and increase the efficiency of the clinic.


  • Patients will be allowed the use of the bathroom.

  • Patients will be required to thoroughly wash their hands using hand washing/sanitization protocols listed above the sink.

  • Patients will be provided with soap and paper towels.

  • Patients are asked to turn off water taps with a paper towel and open the bathroom doorknob with a paper towel in hand to avoid touching surfaces.

  • Bathroom high touch surfaces will be sanitized in between each client including faucet, taps, toilet flush handle, doorknobs, and sink.

Treatment Room:

  • It is not possible to maintain appropriate physical distancing in the treatment room.

  • Preparation of the treatment room will be done prior to the patient’s arrival.

  • Conversation within the treatment room before a patient gets onto the table will happen at a social distance of 2m (6 ft).

  • Both parties are to minimize social conversation to allow for focused attention on treatment

  • The therapist alone is responsible for sanitation of the treatment room, laundering materials, and cleaning high touch surfaces between each client.

Hand Hygiene:

  • Hand washing protocol is required to be posted clearly in the entryway, upstairs common space, washrooms, and in treatment rooms.

  • Hand washing protocol is as follows:

  • Hands must be sanitized for a minimum of 20 seconds

  • If hands are visibly soiled, the patient must use soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds followed by thorough drying.

  • Patients must follow hand washing protocols immediately upon entry and as they exit the treatment room.

  • The therapist and/or the patient must wash hands using handwashing protocols after any potential incident of contamination and before touching anything else.

  • The therapist will open the following doors to avoid patients touching them:

  • Main building entry door.

  • Hand sanitizer, tissues, and wipes will be available in the treatment room.

  • At any time, the patient may ask the therapist to sanitize her hands, any object, or surface.

  • The Therapist must wash hands before and after every treatment using handwashing protocols as per usual.

Avoid Face Touching:

  • The therapist will communicate with the patient that Coronavirus can be transmitted if droplets are on the hand when it touches the face. Touching the face can transfer those infected droplets to the mouth, nose, or eyes.

  • The tissue will be available throughout the clinic: in the reception area, treatment room, and washroom. This is for patients and therapists used to address an itch and/or touch the face for any other reason.

  • The therapist is required to wear a face mask at all times while the patient is present in the clinic space.

  • The patient is required to wear a face mask at all times while present in the clinic space. The patient can bring their own clean face mask if preferred. Otherwise, a clean disposable face mask will be provided for them upon entry into the main building.

  • Intraoral and external TMJ treatments can be conducted at this time given the patient provides verbal consent. In this case, the patient will be instructed to sanitize hands before taking off the face mask. The Therapist will wear gloves and eye protection for all treatments intraoral and extraoral of the musculature of the jaw and face. The patient will be asked to once again sanitize their hands before putting on their face mask after treatment of the jaw and face is completed.

Enhanced Cleaning:

  • Additional time has been scheduled between patients to allow for thorough cleaning of the treatment room (approx. 20-30 minutes).

  • The window will be opened to air out the treatment room between patients.

  • Visibly soiled surfaces will be cleaned using soap and water followed by disinfecting with Vital Oxide disinfectant spray.

  • Disinfectants approved for use by Canada Health for COVID-19 listed here:

  • Common areas will be cleaned and disinfected at least twice a day, including the bathroom, main entryway, and common upstairs space.

  • All high touch surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected between patients using Vital Oxide disinfectant spray.

  • High touch surfaces include (but are not limited to):

    • Light switches, stools, bench, doorknobs, laptop keyboard, therapist cell phone, speaker, desk surface, window openings, faucet taps, sanitizer bottles, utility cart.

    • The treatment table vinyl covering, face cradle, oil/lotion bottles, vinyl coverings of pillows, the table legs at face cradle, and the rug covering under face cradle.

  • A cleaning log for the treatment room will be laminated and made visible in the treatment room.

  • All linens for treatment including blankets, pillowcases, hand towels, cleaning towels, cloth face masks, sheets, face rest covers will be used individually with each patient and laundered after each treatment using hot water, detergent, and bleach.

  • All treatment linens will be secured in a sanitized plastic tote upon being cleaned. The tote will only be opened when setting up the room for treatment prior to patient arrival. This includes the clean cloth face mask that will be in a sealable, reusable bag, sanitized in between use.

  • The sanitized plastic tote will be empty and available for patient use upon entering the treatment room. All personal items will be asked to be kept in the tote throughout the duration of treatment.

  • The plastic tote will be sanitized between each patient before cycling back into use.

Personal Protective Equipment:

  • The therapist will wear a clean cloth face mask at all times while working with patients.

  • The therapist’s face mask will be changed in-between appointments.

  • The therapist will wear non-latex gloves if/when appropriate:

    • Gloves are required when facilitating intraoral or extraoral work for TMJ treatments as well as when massaging the musculature of the face and jaw.

  • Patients are required to wear a clean face mask. Patients may bring their own if they prefer. Otherwise, a clean disposable face mask is provided by the therapist.

  • If patient would like to request that therapist wear more PPE, patient must contact therapist before booking an appointment. PPE is in short supply, even for front-line workers, and if requesting additional PPE for treatment, therapist may not have it on hand/be able to meet patient request.

Professional Obligations

Liability Insurance:

  • The therapist carries professional liability insurance from BFL Canada as provided through the Massage Therapy Association of Alberta.

  • The therapist is following all health and safety guidelines outlined by the Registered Massage Therapists Association of BC, the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia, and the Provincial Health Officer. They are taking all reasonable precautions to clean and disinfect the clinic and all the surfaces within the treatment room.

  • There is no guarantee from the therapist that the patient will not come in contact with COVID-19 at or during an appointment.

In the event that a patient begins to show signs and symptoms of COVID-19 within 14 days of a Massage Therapy appointment (resulting in a positive COVID-19 test):

  • The patient will immediately contact the therapist and inform her of positive test results and possible transmission of the virus.

  • The Therapist will immediately self-isolate.

  • The Therapist will call Public Health at 8-1-1 to report the possible transmission and act on the direction of Provincial Health.

In the event that a patient alleges they caught COVID-19 from the Therapist:

  • The therapist will immediately call Public Health at 8-1-1 to report the alleged transmission, providing both the name of the RMT and the name and contact details of the patient.

  • The patient must agree to the release of their information under these circumstances, which will be signed in the “Consent for Treatment” form prior to treatment.

  • All massage therapy appointments will be canceled, and the therapist will cease to provide services until Public Health has investigated and provided direction.

  • The therapist will immediately self-isolate until Public Health has investigated and provided direction.

In the event that the therapist catches COVID-19 or displays symptoms of COVID-19:

  • The therapist will immediately self-isolate.

  • The therapist will call Public Health at 8-1-1 to report the symptoms and request access to COVID-19 testing.

  • If testing is granted:

    • All massage therapy appointments will be canceled and the therapist will cease to provide services until test results return negative.

    • If testing proves positive the therapist will follow Public Health directives in informing patients treated over the previous 14 days about potential transmission.

  • If testing is not granted:

    • All massage therapy appointments will be canceled and the Therapist will cease to provide services for a minimum of 10-days beyond the onset of symptoms, and/or until symptoms cease.

In the event that the Therapist comes into close contact with someone showing signs of illness or tests positive for COVID-19:

  • The therapist will immediately self-isolate.

  • All massage therapy appointments will be canceled and the Therapist will cease to provide services until:

  • The close contact has tested Negative for COVID-19 and the Therapist is well;

    • OR after self-isolating for 14 days with no symptoms of fever developing;

    • OR they are cleared by a public health official